Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dendrobium pentapterum

Dendrobium pentapterum is a small orchid species from Papua New Guinea, belonging to the section Oxyglossum, which contains a large number of miniature Dendrobiums with very large, very beautiful, and very long-lasting flowers.

This species ranges in size from 10-15 cm with narrow pseudobulbs and thin, grass-like leaves.  The flowers are about 3 cm in size, last for months and the plant is seldom out of bloom.  I find it very easy to grow alongside Masdevallias and other Pleurothallids.

It grows as a much more compact plant under higher light and seems to bloom more prolifically as well, producing three or four flowers per growth.  This plant was at one time awarded a Certificate of Cultural Merit by the American Orchid Society.


  1. the flowers remind me of tail plumage on an exotic bird . . .


  2. They do look like some exotic reature, don't they?
